Health and fitness has been quite the trend in recent years. Now more than ever we see women and men taking fitness serious and making sure they keep in shape. It seems like everyone is a fitness guru. Instagram can be the worst, especially when we start innocently scrolling through our newsfeed and land on a picture of a beautiful, perfect bodied trainer. After seeing countless pics of these flawless bods we decide that it is enough and that we need to start working out and eating healthy. We then sign up to the gym and go a few times, but it isn't long before we start to notice certain patterns. Maybe you see the same guys day after day lifting heavy weights or the same guy who always seems to be wandering around, pretending like he's about to workout. If you do recognize these guys and their fitness patterns then you will definitely enjoy this article. We have compiled the worst of the worst when it comes to the intense gym goers. You might even be watching some right now. At least you now what we call them the next time you're trying to explain these guys to your friends.


15 The larger than life lifter

He's totally preoccupied with what he lifts, obviously. By the shape of his biceps, forearms, and neck –it's no lie that he puts in hours and hours and hours at the gym. He's the one who's so preoccupied with lifting that should he have to wait, anywhere at any time, he might start doing push-ups or bicep dips or lift furniture or people. So worried that the swoll might get unswoll at any minute, he pushes himself into dangerous territory all the time –first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. Yes, he's got a set of free weights located in each room of his abode. He asks you how many sets you've got left at the gym. He does extra reps because he wants to feel the burn. He's lost control of his form and thus keeps pushing his muscles into even bigger gains; little does he know that he's so swoll he gives the word a new meaning.

14 The awkward sleazy ball

His purpose is to hit the gym, but not hit it like do a workout rather to hit it hard with lines and glances and over-the-top flirting. He might be gay, he might be straight. He might be average or super hot. But one thing is for sure –he's creepy af and no one wants to even make eye contact for fear of engaging him. He's known immediately for his walk, for his methods of exercise, should it even be called that. He's known for his style of dress and how he talks to people at the hardest part of a run or set. Clueless? Maybe. Desperate and anxious? Yes, more than likely. He's hungry. And nothing is more annoying when you're trying to focus, on anything, than someone who's hungry for attention. He's hungry for loving. So we can also sympathize with him like, Poor thing. But until he learns how to approach people, he will remain the gym creep.

13 The slacks as gym pants guy

Ok, you've seen him. It might have been just once or it might have been more than once. But what's real is that once you see him, you can't un-see him. He seriously wears slacks to workout. He might switch it up and pair athletic gear with dress shoes. He's out there, too, lurking around. These guys don't want their "admirers" to forget that they are corporate men. They might even be on such a short break from work that they don't have time to change into workout gear. Some of them even get workouts done in their office by simply removing their shirt and lifting any seemingly heavy object within arm reach. If they could get away with sporting a tie with this gym look, they would. They are old school, they come, maybe, from the old country, too. This might be a habit they picked up or a way to show off. Whatever it is, it's not for us to judge. However, it is for us to sit back and ponder.

12 The skinny crew

You've seen them. They don't come alone. They come in packs. And with good reason. They are, most of the time but not all of the time, shy; they are intimidated by those other guys who have a genetic physique that stuns us all upon first glance of their glistening bods. Can you blame them? Skinny guys get a back rap in general. And it's never worse than at the gym. They struggle to build muscle. For guys, the gym is all about gains and cuts and lines; the skinny dude has never really be the sexy, coveted guy. So for this skinny crew, they come through deep and heavy. They want to support each other and they want to give their own version of a workout a chance. Good for them. Don't let anyone tell you that the body you have isn't sufficient. Take a hint from the skinny dude crew and come through despite and in spite of. Look at the flex imaginary muscles. That's real confidence. Learn, ladies. Be proud of whatever body the universe gave you.

11 The annoying jokester or the idiot

Ok, take your pick. He could be one or the other. He could, in some very sad way, be both, too. So let's start with the annoying jokester. He's the one who's gotta make everyone laugh, all the time, despite whatever concentration or deadlines people are working under or against. He's better known as the class clown; and he takes that act to the gym. He gives us a good laugh, but sometimes he goes too far and doesn't know when to stop. Then it just gets awkward. Then it becomes a show about him and his ego and no one's really into watching. Next, we have the idiot. Well, not the idiot, maybe the ignorant. He doesn't know how any machine works. And this might be even after he's been shown a handful of times. He just doesn't get it. For whatever reason, you'll see him doing the unthinkable with aerobic equipment and weight machines. Let him be, let him swim in his ignorance for it is bliss.

10 The "do you smell that" dude

Clearly, the one who smelt it, dealt it. There's no proving that proverb wrong. This is the guy who's constantly smelling farts. Why? Because he's got a gas issue himself. He'll point and laugh when someone let's one loose, he'll walk by others and waft his nose, he'll swear he knows who's got the gas problem. Ok, buddy –we know, too. It's you. He's not casual either. Sometimes he sneaks into little corners and lets one rip, then runs away. He might think he's smooth, but between the clanking of weights shifting, his gas is still detected. If he's not the shy type, he might even let some fly while exerting major force and be like, What? It's natural. No big deal. Deal with it. And we do, we deal with it because what else can we do when we're in a gym surrounded by ego-manic, testosterone, and steroid infused peeps. Let it go, let it all go –literally and figuratively.

9 The you-got-this-bro trio

They seem to come in threes. Maybe because they've stumbled upon the secret of how there is power in the trinity. Whatever the case is, they come together, like triplets and they are triple annoying when you see them at the gym. In some ways, you might say it's nice how they support each other, but in other ways, you're just like, that is way too much support. They encourage the hell outta each other. They give each other challenges and make each other accountable for not following through. They call each other out. Yeah, it's brotherhood and comradery and all that, sure. But this is also super distracting when you're trying to get your own workout on. The only thing you can do is giggle to yourself. You will see them supporting each other in ways that you think are unusual, but remember, guys are unusual. Nothing fishy or funny here, nope, not in the least.

8 The stoner hottie

He's ripping bong hits before he hits the gym because it gives him the fuel he needs to carve out his gorgeous body. He's smoking blunts and listening to music that gets him into the gym workout frame of mind. He won't reek of weed, but his eyes are glassy af and he's got that stoner laugh, you know the one. During his workout, he handles his business. He does everything with nearly perfect posture and executes each set with the ease of a gazelle. There's nothing funny about how he approaches health; after all, marijuana is natural and a way better way to give the body some edge than those store bought supplements and injected hormones. He's here because he might laugh to himself for no apparent reason and should you see him and know his type, you'll laugh, too because you know he's all kinds of high strolling around a gym full of people who take life, and workouts, way too seriously.

7 The all-day legs guy

Sure, he's not just the legs guy, but he's the arms guy, too, but we covered the arm guy already. Let's talk about the leg guy. He's forever on leg day. His arm and ab days somehow become leg days; his shoulder and back days become legs days. He's hardcore legs. You can find him on any number of leg machines, maxed all the way out. You can find him squatting the hell outta his legs and glutes. You can find him on the leg press pushing out those last reps with the power of two sets of legs. Come on, those are two sets of legs on one human body. Don't blink or sleep on any leg machine, he will slip in there and steal your turn if you're not paying attention. The call to keep those legs in tiptop shape is fierce, it's screaming in his head, Come on pencil legs, you gotta bulk up, son.

6 The lounger, aka wear sports gear but does nothing sporty guy

Basically, he's a fashion model. Or he thinks he is. He comes to the gym dressed in the latest athletic gear with the just-just come out kicks; he's on top of sports trends, yet he's not very sporty. He likes to think he is because his gym wardrobe says he is, but at most he spends less than twenty minutes actually doing anything and it's never anything that would sweat through those fancy items. Sweating is not what he does in his athletic outfits, he dons them, he parades them, he demonstrates me. Genetics have given him a naturally fit body and a good metabolism, hence there's no real need for him to workout. When he finishes his workout he hits the showers. Although he's not sweat more than a drop or two, he's proud of the body he's been blessed with and isn't shy about displaying it.

5 The guy who's straight violating personal space

It's nice when someone wants to help you in the gym. Sometimes the exercise is too hard. Sometimes you have poor technique. Sometimes the posture is wrong. Sometimes you've forgotten how do the exercise. Sometimes you're just innocent. Dudes be scheming. And if you're not careful you will be the victim of this crap right here. You will get schemed on if you don't have your guard up at the gym. Like bars were, and still are, pickup joints for singles and not-so-singles alike, gyms function in the same way. Eye candy, skin glistening, pheromones galore –it's literally a sexy meat market that simmers on low all day long. In most cases, just turn down any help, even if the guy looks innocent enough. You never know who's a space-violator and who isn't. It's better to be safe than sorry. Be safe, they come creeping and come creeping hard.

4 The real life super hero

This guy takes the gym life to a whole new level. He's not playing around. And you shouldn't play around with him. Don't get on his bad side, not that he'll do anything to you –on the contrary. Don't get on his bad side because you might need him to save you from a burning building or lift the car off your baby. This dude got fit, swoll, and cut down to a science. He's figured out the formula and he's sticking to it. For him, there is no straying. To stay on the top of his game, he's got to be radical about his regimen. To be at peak performance, there's not slacking or slipping. He will be the one making noise as he crushes set after set. Admire him for his steadfast routine and his focus. Admire him for that body that is made by gods and goddesses; and by his tremendous hours of hard work and straight up clean eating.

3 The robust strong guy crew

The are the opposite of the skinny dude clan. They come through, too, but these ones come through with more body mass. They come through as though each one's weight is equal to that of an entire skinny dude crew. Remember, we don't want to shame the skinny or the tubby guys; bodies are bodies and they come in all shapes and sizes, right ladies. However, you will see these dudes flexing extra hard with hope that the untoned portions of their bodies will somehow let the muscle shine through. There is muscle there, no doubt, but their bodies don't get that leaned out look that other bodies might be able to achieve. It's called genetics and it's cool. But what's not cool is these guys taking off their shirts and sweating all over the equipment; even from the chiseled guys this isn't acceptable. But one thing about these guys, they come from giants –they are some of the strongest men despite that layer of fat; it's that fat that protects them from hurtful comments.

2 The your leggings are tighter than mine dude

This guy, this guy, this guy. Oh my god, this guy pulls out all the stops. He gives zero f*$%s that his leggings are more revealing than anyone else's at the gym. That's what he was going for; and that's what he's achieved. He's letting it all hang out, but not really –there's not anything hanging on this body. Well, maybe not from this angle anyways. Where does he get his leggings? From the extra tight leggings store. It's likely that he peeps some lady's leggings, too. And why not? Some of the styles we got are fire. He makes some of us uncomfortable despite the fact that some women are literally parading around in thong bikinis. Let this man be, please. Let him do his thing. He's worked hard to get that body, we suppose. He's got every right to show it off. Although the bulge of his thigh muscles is a little unnerving.

1 The phone guy

As if he's not bad enough walking on the street with his face all the way inside his screen. He shows up to the gym and spends more than half the time chatting on the phone. He takes up machines, puts them on pause, uses them as though they were fixtures in his own private home. He lies on benches, he sits on machines and doesn't use them, he disregards anyone who's waiting behind him. Yes, he's that clueless and that self-absorbed. And if that's not bad enough, he talks loudly into his phone, laughing like he's just heard the funniest joke known to humankind. The phone policies in gyms don't apply to him. He's special. He's not even noticed they exist because he's so attached to his phone. Should you be able to pull him away from it for a second to ask him to be considerate of others, he'll get an attitude, call you out, and huff away. Don't try to unglue him, let him be stuck on stupid. Just put your music on maximum volume or ohm your way outta being stressed out by this dude.

Next 10 Home Remedies To Release Tension In Your Neck

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